What a wedding weekend – our team worked so hard – and yes – I mean physically hard – and they did this to ensure that our bride’s and groom’s had their best day ever – mindset really does matter.

So yes, as I sit back this morning and look at life thus far – I’m finding myself overwhelmed with much gratitude for every single thing around me – the simple fact that that we’re healthy enough to get out and do what we do is reason alone, to yes – shout to the heavens and praise God who has made us strong – mindset matters

A gratedul heart changes the way we look at everything.

My heart is full – not only what’s happening today – but for the many years that God has taken His time to look after me, and yes – the fact that He does this is all because of His awesome eternal love for each of us.

And friends, this love of His – it’s amazing – it’s not based on what we do or what we don’t do – no way – it’s simply one of the precious gifts we’ve been given.

Imagine a love like His – so totally unconditional that no matter how many mistakes we make and yes – we make many – no matter how many times we let Him down – as we all have and will do – no matter how many times we’ve broken a promise to Him, for yes, many promises have been broken  – He still never ever gives up on us.

And yes, this truth alone – should give us all amazing strength and confidence – to graciously and boldly – stand strong in our faith, for no – there’s no reason not to – mindset matters

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period

“Remember I am with you always – to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

#lovewinsperiod #mindsetmatters #lovelikeJesus #foreverlove #prayingforgrandaddy #prayingfortheHalls #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #yesyesyes #healingjourney

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