God isn’t looking for perfection from any of us ..  He knows we’re going to make mistakes .. and friends .. all He wants from us ..  is a pure and simple relationship .. He loves us so much and knows us better than we know ourselves ..  He accepts us just the way we are .. however .. He does wants us to keep growing in Him so we can have everything He has planned for us .. oh yes .. we ALL have room to grow .. so .. we make that daily effort with Him .. and when we do .. our behavior will keep improving .. it’s not until we get off that treadmill of guilt .. that our progress will move at a faster pace .. for .. we can never wait until we feel right to believe we are right in His eyes .. haha ..  that may take forever .. we have to do this right now .. right here .. when we are in the wrong .. simply meaning .. we have to press past the pains of our hurts and mistakes .. and then watch .. those feelings catch up with the truth  ..  Paul wrote .. “I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me .. No .. dear brothers and sisters .. I have not achieved it .. but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead” ..  so today .. we receive His forgiveness .. NO .. we no longer have to spend days feeling rotten about ourselves every time we make a mistake .. instead .. we simply hang on to His truth .. for in knowing the truth ..  there’s simply no excuse to not .. keep pressing on ..  oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.



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