We judge .. simply because of our own selfish interests .. you know .. we can become critical when comparing ourselves to those around us .. we look for fault in others to prove that we are smarter .. better looking .. happier .. or .. wealthier .. haha .. yes friends .. these are selfish reasons .. but the truth is .. we all simply want to feel better about ourselves .. so .. we get critical when others fail to do what we ask ..  or do not do what we think is right .. it’s often a family member .. a friend  .. or .. co-worker who fails to meet our expectations .. and .. our expectations .. simply lead to a judgmental attitude .. even our own frustrations can lead to a critical attitude .. if life is not turning out the way we desire .. we hide our own frustrations ..  by finding fault with others .. wow .. people .. we need to get a grip .. God is Love ..  and we are made in His image .. so ..  what we need to do .. is Love .. love each other .. in spite of not because of .. we need to give our days to Him .. asking for the simple mindset .. to share with others .. out of love .. just what He can do with a willing vessel .. that’s right .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.

“For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy .. mercy triumphs over judgment”




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