Friends .. it’s true .. it’s choice not chance that determines our destiny .. haha .. that’s right .. and yes .. it’s up to us to decide .. just what our worth is .. just how we matter .. and yes .. just how we can make meaning in this world we live .. for simply .. there’s not another single soul that has our gifts .. our talents .. our ideas .. or .. our interests .. for simply .. each one of us are .. “original” .. haha .. yes .. we are “God’s masterpiece” .. wow .. haha .. over the weekend I sat and read through many of my writings in my over thirty years of daily pecking .. haha .. journal after journal of my life .. one day at a time .. haha .. there’s some crazy stuff in those books .. reminders of my failures .. and yes .. of my triumphs .. the one thing I’ve managed to do is keep the writings reality .. and friends .. some of the reality in my life .. and yours too .. haha .. can be a little disturbing .. but friends .. even in the chaos of many of those days days we’ve been through .. there are lessons .. lessons of faith .. lessons of hope .. and yes .. lessons of change .. haha .. for friends .. again and again .. we’re simply reminded of this fact .. it doesn’t matter what’s happened to us .. it only matters .. what we do with what’s happened to us .. haha .. it’s like a game of poker .. we don’t choose the cards we’re dealt .. haha .. however .. we do choose .. how we’re going to play our hand .. oh yes .. I know .. so many of us .. we’re afraid of making yet .. another mistake .. that this time .. may completely ruin our lives .. haha .. but friends .. there’s no such thing .. for those mistakes we’ve made that we feared would be our complete downfall .. only brought on change .. haha .. so .. no .. we can’t be afraid people won’t like us .. or .. that we’ll never be smart enough .. or .. even good enough .. haha .. no way .. for the truth is .. life will kick us around a bit .. at times .. we may even be our own kicker .. haha .. however .. we must keep our bounce .. and yes .. enjoy the ride .. for simply .. we’re not trying to fill anyone else’s shoes .. for friends .. the world doesn’t need us to be another “somebody” .. no way .. the world needs us to be .. just what He created us to be .. haha .. “ourselves” .. that’s right .. for yes .. we are indeed .. His beloved and original “masterpiece” .. and our job .. is simply .. to share with those around us .. what a true Artist .. He really is .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“For we are God’s masterpiece .. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus .. so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago”

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