Friends .. it’s daily we must soak up the lesson of trust .. and  yes .. calm in the midst of life’s storms .. while yes .. knowing that whatever we face during the day .. we can one hundred percent trust that God’s command is still the same  “be grateful .. humble .. calm .. and .. loving to all people” .. that’s right .. we’re to leave each soul we meet the better for having met us or heard us .. for yes .. with every person that crosses our path ..  our attitude should be a loving desire to help as well as an infectious spirit of calmness .. and yes .. wholehearted trust in Him who loves us dearly .. for the truth is .. we have the answer to loneliness and fear .. it’s simply the calm faith in the goodness .. and yes .. purpose of truly trusting Him in all the aspects of our lives .. for yes sweet friends .. we are winners .. simply because .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Peace I leave with you .. my peace I give to you .. not as the world gives do I give to you .. let not your hearts be troubled .. neither let them be afraid”


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