Friends .. our bodies simply do not function properly without rest .. haha .. so yes .. in the middle of the night when we’re lying in the dark and our minds begin to race .. we need to calm ourselves down .. and yes .. we need to turn to God and consciously hand Him one by one the burdens we’re carrying .. that’s right .. we need to give Him every unresolved situation .. and yes .. each and every decision we have in the making .. for yes .. He wants us to come to Him twenty four seven .. and no .. He never minds us unloading on Him .. and yes .. when we’re done with our unloading .. haha .. He wants us to allow Him in to quiet our mind and our body .. for yes .. this is where we’ll find rest .. and yes .. it’s in this rest that we’re able to sleep perfectly and peacefully .. for we know that when we awake .. haha .. we’ll hear His still small voice that always seems to make life clear .. yes sweet friends .. those “middle of the nights” are simply opportunities for us to grow closer and closer to the One who directs it ALL .. so yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
Then Jesus said .. “Come to me .. all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens .. and I will give you rest”

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