Friends .. we all carry burdens that cause us to feel anxious .. haha .. and yes .. even annoyed .. especially when we don’t know the answers .. however .. it’s when we get quiet and allow our minds to rest .. like right now in the stillness of this very morning .. that we can hear God .. ever so quietly speak to us through our thoughts and feelings .. so yes .. we remain calm .. haha .. while following that voice inside our heart .. for friends .. it’s so true .. when we do listen .. we’re never disappointed in the results .. for it is then .. we can honestly feel our tired nerves become rested as He comes to us as strength .. as tenderness .. as power .. and yes .. as full on peace .. haha .. for the truth is .. our moral strength gets it’s effectiveness from the power we obtain when we wait on Him .. when we stop trying to figure it all out .. haha .. and yes .. listen for that still small voice of love .. for simply .. without a doubt .. He loves us so much that He never wants us to stay the same .. no way .. He wants us all to grow in Him and grow in love .. while simply trusting .. His way is yes indeed .. the freedom way .. haha .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“My sheep hear my voice .. and I know them .. and they follow me .. I give them eternal life .. and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand”

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