We’ve all done stupid things in our life ..  we’ve made bad decisions .. only to find .. another bad decision follows ..  it’s crazy the way things work .. we do one thing .. then to escape that .. we fall for another .. oh yes .. we think it’s an open door to victory .. only to find .. we are trapped again ..  haha ..  it’s an adult form of .. “follow the leader” .. and .. the leader ..  is not always on our side  ..  that’s right  ..  for friends ..  there’s always going to be someone out there  .. that the enemy will use .. to take us places .. we simply .. do not need to go ..  haha .. and then ..  when it eventually all falls apart … because it will .. we get the blame ..  oh yes ..  it may have started by our own hand .. but friends  .. please remember ..  everyone need to accept their own responsibility in life  ..  for ..  it’s simple .. every finger we point .. four points back to .. “self” ..  and that goes for everyone involved .. and ..  for these very reasons .. and .. so many more .. we need to stay constantly in God’s presence ..  we need to earnestly seek Him daily .. and .. yes .. before making any kind of decision .. we better make sure ..  it’s the one for us ..  for .. in my life .. I have found .. eventually .. we have to stand up for ourselves .. we have to own our own .. and .. we have to keep moving ..  with our head held high ..  that’s right .. we may have been beat up and banged up .. and yes .. very well .. by our own hand ..  but .. that doesn’t matter .. for .. you see .. there has never been a time in my life .. when I’ve looked to Him for direction ..  that He’s not been there for me ..  for friends .. we will always find .. He is our Constant .. He is our Rock .. He is our Salvation .. He is our Hope .. and .. He is our Peace ..  so please  .. trust me when I say ..  we can go anywhere and  we can do anything .. but without Him .. we can do nothing ..  we will stay bound in the hope of satisfying someone else ..  other than ..  the ONE .. in whom we put our hope and trust   ..  don’t be fooled people ..  the grass ..  it’s not always greener on the other side .. no .. but friends .. it’s always green .. anywhere and everywhere .. we plant the right seeds .. so .. come on now .. let’s get to “tilling” people .. we’ve got some planting to do ..  haha .. oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period.

“I planted .. Apollos watered .. but God was causing the growth ..”



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