Yesterday as I was coming out of Seaside back toward Grayton .. I had a lot on my mind .. you know .. this and that .. pretty much the the same as we all have .. when all of a sudden I started feeling funny .. my head was spinning and my chest was tight .. haha .. and yes .. when you’re our age you think anything could happen next .. but it was then I realized .. I was simply having a panic attack .. haven’t had one of those in a long while .. but no .. I haven’t really allowed myself to go there in a long while .. for the truth is .. I’ve personally learned while traveling this journey .. that no .. true happiness or pure contentment never depends on circumstances .. for yes .. it can only come from within .. we can choose happiness and contentment even when things aren’t perfect in our lives .. for yes .. it’s means being open to what life brings whether good or bad .. solely trusting God for the belief that everything happens for a reason while staying confident in our strength and power of resilience .. for yes sweet friends .. this is what makes us feel hopeful and willing to live life fully .. taking risks in the direction of fulfilling our dreams .. and yes .. simply accepting what we cannot change even if things aren’t exactly going our way .. for it’s just another day .. and yes .. we must keep moving forward in the direction we know .. without a doubt .. He has us moving .. for it’s true .. when we’re faced with these feelings of anxiety and strain .. it’s then and there .. we need to praise Him for all the things that He’s done .. and yes .. does to provide for us .. for they are many .. and friends .. when we do this .. that old enemy .. haha .. his chest gets tight and his anxiety level raises .. because yes .. he’s going out and Love Himself is moving in .. and yes .. it’s a beautiful day .. come on now .. let’s do this! .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“For this I will praise you .. O Lord .. among the nations .. and sing praises to your name”