Friends .. as we continue to move through this last week of 2016 while heading into a brand new year .. and yes .. while making those resolutions we all tend to make .. we need to stay mindful of this simple fact .. God doesn’t want us looking back .. no way .. haha .. oh yes .. I know .. it’s hard not to do .. and yes .. often we just can’t help ourselves .. for yes .. it’s so easy to remember those hurts and mistakes that we’ve made .. but friends .. it’s time now .. today .. to look ahead and focus on what’s before us .. haha .. for yes! .. He wants to do a new thing in our lives .. He wants us to rise up to our full potential in Him .. for friends .. He’s called each of us to do mighty things .. and yes .. He’ll always make a way when we feel lost .. and yes .. He’ll always refresh us when we’re burning in the heat .. so .. haha .. we just keep moving .. for the truth is .. it’s only in moving forward that we ever accomplish what He’s called us to do .. we can’t stay where we’re at .. haha .. nor can we go backwards .. the only direction we can go is forward .. oh and yes .. it may be hard at times .. but it’s the only way if we want to grow .. for truly .. our lives are build around Him and His ways .. and yes .. as we all know .. He is love .. and friends .. “love” .. haha .. it’s always our “go to” .. haha .. when nothing else seems right .. so yes .. we keep moving forward .. and yes .. we simply find .. again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Brothers .. I do not consider that I have made it my own .. but one thing I do .. forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead .. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”

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