Friends .. one thing we know to be true .. is yes .. we’re all at different places in our lives .. and yes .. each and everyone of us are going through something .. that’s a fact .. and no .. there’s nothing more painful than to be on our knees pouring out our heart to God .. haha .. only to watch as our dreams are being crushed right before our very eyes .. oh but yet .. as Believers we know through our faith that God has heard our cries for help .. and yes .. He said in His word that He would never leave us nor abandon us .. yet .. despite knowing that He’s aware of our struggle we still feel left with nothing but a broken heart .. eyes that can’t stop crying .. and yes .. a question within as to why He would allow us to go through this excruciating pain .. it’s difficult to understand when we’re so overwhelmed .. and yes .. life has taken it’s toll .. oh but friends .. it’s in our attitude in these times of turmoil that indicates where our faith truly lies .. oh yes .. we may feel alone but we know we’re not .. for the truth is .. the more serious the situation the more grace He extends .. and no .. we don’t have to fight this battle alone .. for yes .. we can trust that He has everything under control .. no friends .. it’s not always going to go our way .. however .. this is where our faith steps in .. and yes .. if we try to understand this .. peace will come when all hope seems gone .. for yes .. our struggle is the transforming power that reveals His strength .. haha .. it may sound crazy but it’s so very true .. for yes .. His purpose for us when we face these battles is to bring us through our heartache and reveal more of Himself to us .. bottom line .. our battle was won long ago through Christ .. and yes .. although this may seem difficult to comprehend when our heart is breaking .. it’s the simple truth .. and friends .. this simple truth .. is simply .. haha .. our ticket to freedom .. for we know that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“In this world you will have trials and tribulation .. but take heart .. I have overcome the world.”

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