I’m waking up in Pensacola this morning .. downtown Pensacola .. where my mother was born in a little clad house on the square .. where she learned to ride a bike .. where she learned to drive .. and yes .. where she later left to make her own life .. haha .. I always get nostalgic when I’m here .. so many memories .. and yes .. last night another one was made .. I watched as my sweet friend Carla moved into another realm of her life .. along with my friend Nicole .. doing the exact same .. haha .. I laugh as I think about our lives .. and yes .. how totally amazing it is what God will do for us all .. when yes .. we choose to victoriously rejoice in Him .. even when .. we seem to be up against impossible odds .. for yes .. His supernatural strength and courage will overflow into our lives .. which in turn .. enables us to rise above our circumstances .. and yes .. allows us to keep moving forward .. for the truth is .. our simple trust in His strength .. and yes .. in His goodness .. absolutely sets us free from expecting the natural course of events .. for yes .. we’re joyfully and confidently looking for His salvation and  intervention in our lives ..  so yes .. we get up this very day .. and yes .. we make the choice to express our faith and trust in Him without restraint .. and yes .. expect good things .. for yes .. He is love .. and yes .. always and forever .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Yet I will choose to rejoice in the Lord .. I will choose to shout in exultation in the victorious God of my salvation! .. Lord God is my strength .. my source of courage .. my invincible army.. He has made my feet steady and sure like hinds’ feet and makes me walk forward with spiritual confidence on my high places of challenge and responsibility”


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