When we decide to take personal responsibility for our own life .. things .. can and will .. begin to change .. you see .. acceptance .. it’s so important .. we are where we are right now .. simply because of our own doing .. we can’t blame any of our situations on anyone .. other than ourselves .. for .. everything we do and every time we do it .. involves a choice .. so basically .. we are what we choose .. oh yes .. gratefully .. Our God .. He’s here for us .. and .. He will provide all of the resources we need to choose the path He has set .. however .. the power of that choice .. is in our own hands .. what’s so incredible and exciting is the fact that if we choose to do right .. we experience His tremendous blessing .. if we choose to lean on Him .. we find His strength .. that strength .. that enables us to move through rough terrain .. it’s when we don’t take responsibility for what happens in our own life .. that we are allowing others to decide our life for us .. and .. haha .. as we all know .. they may not always have our best interests at heart .. so .. by taking responsibility .. simply means .. we are giving ourselves the power to command .. no one should ever have that authority over us .. let them clean up their own yard .. for now .. we have resolved .. that everyday .. no matter what happens .. we .. will lean on Him .. and .. we .. will overcome .. it’s when we follow His will and His ways .. that what we want to become .. is again .. sitting right in our very own hands .. so .. no more rationalizing our wrongs .. no more seeking to please others .. and .. no more blaming others .. for friends .. none of this will ever free us from our responsibility before God .. I can hear the words my dad use recite to us .. so simple and true .. “today is the first day of the rest of our lives” .. so .. with that .. we get up .. we grab hold of His loving kindness and His competent direction .. and .. we take a glorious ride .. for freedom of self .. is simply .. where it’s at .. and with that .. haha .. “it’s a wrap” .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Arise .. for it is your task .. and we are with you .. be strong and do it.”

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