Well .. haha .. as many of you know .. I’ve taken on the attitude this year (thank you Bobby) that simply .. if it’s not a “Hell Yeah” .. haha .. it’s a flat “NO” .. so far so good .. it’s funny .. as I think about the word no .. the simplicity of it .. the shortness of it .. and .. the fact that it’s one of the easiest words to say .. I still find it hard at times to actually say .. haha .. oh .. I remember so well the feeling of being totally afraid to say it at all .. simply in fear .. that I wouldn’t be liked .. or .. I’d just plain feel guilty .. haha .. what a lie the enemy fed me for so many years .. yes friends .. he can actually make us believe that a .. good employee .. business partner .. spouse .. parent .. friend .. and yes .. even a Believer .. never says no .. haha .. this is so far from the truth .. for the truth is .. when we learn to say no .. we simply .. stop lying .. (thank you Mel) .. we can now be trusted .. and yes .. even trust ourselves .. for we’ve learned .. to say what we mean .. and .. haha .. mean what we say .. oh .. and friends .. the beauty of this brings on a whole new self esteem .. not to mention .. the many blessings that come our way .. bottom line .. God wants us to learn to say no .. simply because .. until we can learn to say no .. we’ll simply .. never be able to fully say yes .. haha .. no friends .. doing one more thing is not living wisely .. for simply .. we all have different gifts and callings .. we’re all like perfectly formed jigsaw pieces .. fitting into God’s big plan .. our individual rolls are unique .. and no .. He’ll never call one of us .. to do it all .. however .. He has called each of us .. to do certain things along side others .. who are doing other things .. haha .. and yes oh yes .. sweet friends .. together .. we can do all things through Him who gives us strength .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Let what you say be simply .. ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ .. anything more than this comes from evil”


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