In my teen years .. both of my brothers went into the service .. it was the time of the Vietnam war .. and .. like many other family’s at Christmastime .. we baked cookies .. made bourbon balls .. and .. homemade divinity to send to the boys .. although it was a hard time for me without them at home .. making these treats .. and .. knowing they would eat and share them .. gave me great comfort .. so .. as Christmas week begins each year .. and .. memories flood my mind .. I think back on my life .. and .. to where I am today .. for you see .. in this lifetime .. I have simply learned .. haha .. although .. Christmas is indeed .. magical and powerful .. it’s truly .. the power in our hearts .. that are even more magical .. for friends .. the bottom line is this .. it’s in our ability to love one another .. to renew our faith .. and .. to bring hope.. not only into our own lives .. but .. into the lives of others .. that are the greatest of gifts to give and receive .. oh yes .. and absolutely .. Christmas is also a time for sharing in gift giving and celebrating .. but yet .. think about it .. when we pay attention .. we’ll always find .. the greatest gifts are not those wrapped in fine papers or dressed in colorful bows .. they are those given with an open heart .. the one wrapped in the colorful ribbons of .. ” faith .. hope .. and .. love” .. the solid foundation of .. the Birth of Christ .. so today .. with a firm stance .. and .. to quote Charles Dickens .. “I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year” … and then .. yes .. haha .. I will pray .. that I can live these words of wisdom throughout the days to come .. so friends .. please .. come on now .. join me .. let’s share His love together .. for simply .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period

“We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith .. your labor prompted by love .. and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ”


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