I remember the day she came into our lives .. my friend Brenda was saving litter after litter of Lhasa’s somewhere in Marianna .. haha  ..  I had to beg Bob to let me have her .. and yes .. when he did it was all over .. we fell in love and not long after that we actually took in her brother too .. that was 15 plus years ago .. two years ago we lost Dusty .. and yes .. yesterday I took my sweet Sierra Blue for her last ride .. she was spunky .. loved me to no end .. and yes .. totally fearless .. she followed me wherever I went .. she kind of liked other people ..  haha .. but not really .. she was a momma’s girl through and through .. and yes ..  I loved her to no end as well .. when we made the decision it was time to let her go I didn’t think I could be the one to do so .. however .. I knew if I didn’t she would be scared .. and yes ..  I would regret it .. so off I went to Dr Barry with my sweet girl .. and yes .. let her go .. it was hard .. but not as hard as I thought it would be .. the image of  her sweet body in perfect peace when it was all said and done was priceless .. she looked so beautiful lying there in no more pain .. her little body carrying no more hurt .. it really was a beautiful thing that we did for her .. so yes .. last night as I laid my head on my pillow and cried .. with our new puppy Rudy in my arms  (thank you Laurie) .. I had the comfort of knowing that she was in that perfect place .. and yes .. for that  .. I thank our God .. for yes .. He always has a way of bringing us to where we need to be .. haha .. when we let him .. for yes .. He is a good good God .. a faithful friend .. and yes .. the author and finisher of time .. friends .. it doesn’t matter what we face in this life .. He’s here to comfort .. and yes .. love us through it .. grab hold of His love for it’s a love like no other .. oh yes .. we’ll miss our girl .. but yes .. the image that He gave me on August 29th, 2017 at 3:45 in the afternoon .. will yes .. be an image that will forever hold me tight .. so yes ..  it’s a new day .. let’s do this  .. let’s get out and share some of His incredible  love .. for yes .. always and forever .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“I said to myself concerning the sons of men .. “God has surely tested them in order for them to see that they are but beasts.” for the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same .. as one dies so dies the other ..  indeed .. they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for man over beast .. for all is vanity .. all go to the same place .. all came from the dust and all return to the dust”



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