Friends ..  to believe is simply .. to give God the right to answer our prayers in the way ..  He sees fit .. that’s right .. think about it .. Jesus himself ..  He never preached a sermon on unanswered prayer .. simply because .. haha .. from His viewpoint .. all prayers are answered ..  that’s right  .. and  .. it’s when we learn  … to simply .. believe Him .. haha .. those mountains that so often get in our way .. they no longer have our attention .. instead .. we find ourselves focused on Him .. who alone ..  is way worthy of our trust .. haha .. for friends .. most everything we face .. usually boils down to some kind of forgiveness .. whether it’s someone from the outside .. or simply .. ourselves ..  for the truth is ..  when we forgive those who have hurt or betrayed us .. or .. when we forgive ourselves of the same .. we find .. that open road to freedom .. haha .. yes friends .. He longs for us to live in the JOY of  .. walking by faith .. praying .. asking .. believing .. and .. yes .. without question ..  forgiving ..  for .. it’s when we do these .. yes .. really simple things .. haha .. we’ll find ourselves ..  no longer sitting alone under the shadow of that mountain .. instead .. we’ll find ourselves .. climbing to the very top .. with a totally new view .. that miraculous view .. that only He can give .. haha ..  again and again .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“For you were called to freedom .. brothers .. only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh .. but through love serve one another”



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