Friends .. every person we encounter as we go through life must be valued and given dignity .. and yes .. we do this simply because ..  just like  you and I .. God purposely gave His Son as a ransom for that person .. that’s right .. so yes .. we have to make dang sure that we’re valuing the people we meet in the same way that He does .. no if and’s or but’s about it .. haha .. so yes .. as we go through our days we look for people that we can bless with our words .. with our love .. and yes .. even with our finances .. for the truth is .. we must keep our hearts and eyes open to the lost .. the hurting .. and yes .. the needy  .. and yes .. we do this with the mindset that we’re always ready to offer them our generosity .. in whatever way we are able .. for friends .. we are those people .. and yes .. it’s sure makes for nice ..  to yes .. feel that love .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Above all .. keep loving one another earnestly .. since love covers a multitude of sins  .. show hospitality to one another without grumbling .. as each has received a gift .. use it to serve one another .. as good stewards of God’s varied grace”



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