What I miss the most about not working the Coffee House is the people .. yes .. all you people .. who .. so graciously showed me much kindness throughout the years .. oh and yes .. those hugs .. they were awesome .. with that .. it got me to thinking on kindness .. and .. how easy it is to be kind and do nice things for the people we get along with .. or .. with those we don’t even know .. oh .. but those who are downright mean .. or . . simply just get on our nerves .. it’s not always so easy to be nice to them .. we talk about this all the time .. yet .. thinking on Jesus .. this is exactly the kind of kindness He taught about .. for you see .. loving our enemies .. simply makes no sense .. but then again .. neither does God’s kindness .. the truth is .. true kindness is impossible unless we allow Him to do a work within .. so friends .. short and sweet .. as we move through this week .. let’s stay mindful to act in “true” kindness .. in all we do .. and .. in all we say .. every day .. haha .. remembering all things are possible with God .. and .. He’ll never expect us to do it alone .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“But love your enemies .. and do good .. and lend .. expecting nothing in return .. and your reward will be great .. and you will be sons of the Most High .. for He is kind to the ungrateful and the evil”


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