It’s early in the morning .. and yes .. we’re thinking about the day ahead .. and yes .. in thinking of what we need to do we’ll find .. that yes .. most all of us love to be productive .. there’s just something about it that makes us feel good about our day .. haha .. and yes ..  about ourselves .. and yes .. as Believers we can think about productivity in the best and highest terms .. we can be motivated to live for the good of others .. and yes .. for the glory of God  .. while all the while .. structuring our lives to do just that .. for the truth is .. life is way too short to waste .. and yes .. way too valuable to do anything other than preserving our gifts .. our talents .. our time .. our energy .. and yes .. our total enthusiasm to do good for others .. while yes .. bringing glory to Him ..  so yes sweet friends  .. it’s a new day in a new week .. come on now .. let’s do this!  .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“The point is this .. whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly .. and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully”


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