“Your day usually follows the direction of the corners of your mouth” ..  haha .. not sure who said this .. but .. they knew what they were talking about .. because friends .. we all simply .. need to smile and laugh more often .. most days at our office .. Stacee and I .. we laugh .. we laugh at ourselves .. and .. we laugh at each other .. we laugh so hard sometimes .. that .. yes .. we even cry .. yet .. we still manage to get our work done .. haha .. well .. most of it anyway .. 🙂 .. but .. think about it .. “smiling” .. it simply .. works wonders .. when we want to instantly improve our mood .. all we have to do is smile .. yep .. even when .. we don’t feel like it .. because .. when we do .. our mood get better .. we can feel it .. that energy inside .. it helps us to be more effective .. more often .. and friends .. that’s a good thing .. for you see .. Our God .. He wants us to laugh .. He wants us to be joyful .. He wants us to practice working on .. laughing at ourselves .. and .. at the situations we face .. and friends .. when we make mistakes .. as we all will .. He wants us to learn from them .. He wants us .. to make amends where necessary … and then .. He wants us to move on .. yes .. people .. He wants us to move on .. for .. you see .. we can never underestimate the power of laughter and smiling .. these .. “tools” .. if you will .. are simply .. good medicine for the soul .. so .. in knowing this .. we simply .. practice taking things calmly .. while .. never allowing things to easily get under our skin .. bottom line .. each day is a gift that He’s so freely given us .. we need to enjoy it .. haha .. for simply .. our smile .. and .. our laughter .. it just may change .. someone else’s life .. or .. at least .. their day .. haha .. come on now .. we can do this .. let’s get it started .. “smile baby smile” .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.”


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