We should look for laughter in everything we do – it’s far more than just looking on the bright side.

Solomon said “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven – a time to cry and a time to LAUGH – a time to grieve and a time to dance.” – and friends, no matter what we’ve heard or how we were raised – we can stand on this truth.

It’s it okay to have a good time – think about it – Jesus Himself was criticized by His enemies for partying with sinners – He believed it was okay to celebrate at weddings and to enjoy the hospitality of His friends.

There are the few who will criticize, however – there will be far more who will find our laughter contagious.

When the Jews came back from captivity in Babylon here’s what they said – “We were filled with LAUGHTER and we sang for joy and the other nations said – ‘What amazing things the Lord has done for them.’”

So yes – it’s a beautiful pink sky morning – let’s get up, get out, and yes – get our laughter on.

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period.

“All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast” Proverbs 15:15

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