We wake up this morning to yet another loss in our community .. and yes .. having to say goodbye to someone we love .. is simply .. one of the hardest things we’ll experience in our lives .. one minute they’re here .. the next they’re gone .. we’ll no longer audibly hear their voice .. hear them laugh .. or .. be able to call them for advice .. (thank you Suzette) .. haha .. we’ll miss them .. and yes .. we’ll long to be with them again .. but friends .. even in the midst of the “no longer” here on earth .. we have a ray of hope that shines within us all .. a knowing and a promise .. that one day .. we’ll simply .. all be together again .. that’s right .. we have the pure comfort of knowing that there’s a real place .. created by Our God .. a place of mind boggeling wonder .. haha .. greater than anything we can ever understand or even imagine .. for yes .. there’s a place called heaven .. so .. as we deal with our loss today .. we simply anchor our hearts on this very assurance .. and friends .. when those moments of memories return and the sadness resurfaces .. we’ll be able to find joy in knowing .. our loved ones are there in that place .. where simply .. there’s no mourning .. no crying .. no pain .. and .. no death .. that’s right .. all things are made new .. and .. when those old scares return and we just don’t understand .. we simply understand .. we don’t have to understand .. haha .. no .. we simply need to trust that His Word is true .. and yes today .. they are right now .. this very moment .. experiencing joy and peace like they’ve never known .. and yes oh yes sweet friends .. we also have the hope .. the comfort .. and .. the assurance that we will .. in fact .. see them again .. and yes .. it will be face to face .. where we’ll all be .. simply .. “standing tall and whole” .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“And the dust returns to the earth as it was .. and the spirit returns to God who gave it”


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