Friends .. it’s true .. we all deal with complications .. and yes .. we all come to crossroads in our lives .. and yes .. thankfully we have God who is always here to lead us and guide us through each and every one of them .. He’s here with us through every decision we need to make .. for yes .. He’s only a whisper away .. and yes .. when He hears our whisper .. He comes instantly to lead us .. guide us .. and yes .. give us wisdom knowledge and understanding .. which in turn .. takes us to rest in Him .. haha .. for yes sweet friends .. we must humbly remember that He sees the big picture .. and yes .. even though this is not in our understanding .. He absolutely adores us and those we love beyond any emotions we’re capable of .. so yes sweet friends .. it’s a daily process of letting go and letting Him freely do His work in us .. for yes .. He is love .. and yes .. we know that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him .. the Spirit of wisdom and understanding .. the Spirit of counsel and might .. the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord”


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