Friends .. we need to remember .. simply that .. no matter what happens in our lives .. the enemy’s only power over us .. is fear and deception .. so .. we simply .. get rid of the fear .. and then .. the deception will go .. we cannot allow ourselves to be deceived .. for friends .. the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us .. haha .. is way too smart to believe those lies .. for simply .. we’re God’s sheep and we listen only to the voice of our Good Shepherd .. haha .. that’s right .. although the enemy will form weapons against us .. He’ll not let them prosper .. if .. haha .. we’ll simply .. trust in His Word .. for friends .. His Word never fails .. it’s a solid foundation for which we stand .. that’s right .. other foundations may fall and crumble .. but .. His Word cannot and will not ever fail .. for yes .. we’ve been made overcomers in Christ .. we’re winners .. His Word boldly tells us so .. simple as that .. and .. we know this to be true .. for simply .. so many of us have been through the test and have fought the fight .. to find ourselves on this winning side .. bottom line .. we cannot let the enemy talk to our mental understanding .. for .. he’s a professional deceiver .. haha .. but rest assure .. he cannot stop our faith .. for friends .. it’s when we draw near to Him .. resisting those deceitful tactics .. that simply .. the enemy flees .. and we .. overcome .. haha .. for .. yes yes yes .. the victory is ours .. all we have to do is reach out and grab it .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world .. and this is the victory that has overcome the world .. our faith”


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