Love is the link God gives us with His eternal Self .. haha .. oh friends .. we talk about love .. well .. I talk about it a lot .. haha .. I haven’t always practiced it .. nor .. have I always acted out of it .. however .. I know it to be true .. I’ve been loved many times in my life .. even when .. I did not deserve love man’s eyes for sure .. haha .. oh but friends .. in His eyes .. we’re always loved .. and .. we’re always .. to love .. we’re to be His imitators .. for simply .. He is love .. and truly .. if we’re going to be as He wants us to be .. as hard as it may be at times .. haha .. we simply have to move past .. the hurt .. the pain .. and yes .. even the disappointment that others bring into our lives .. think about it .. we’ve all been shown much grace on our walk .. over and over again .. we’ve all done and acted out in the same way .. over and over again .. habitual habits .. whether it be drugs .. alcohol .. anger issues .. mental issues .. or yes .. even that old “self -righteousness” we carry so proudly .. they’re all simply .. a problem .. a problem that needs a little love.. and yes .. needs a little forgiveness .. to simply overcome .. whether it be directed at someone else .. or .. haha .. yes .. even at ourselves .. that’s right .. when we don’t love each other .. and .. we don’t love ourselves .. through the pain and the sorrows of life .. we simply aren’t .. doing what we know we know we need to do .. yes .. it’s hard .. I’ve personally had to forgive .. and yes .. even love .. those who’ve hurt me deeply .. and yes .. I’ve had to learn to love myself .. and yes .. both .. in spite of and not because of .. haha .. but friends .. in the end .. today .. my life is better because of it .. for .. it’s when we finally .. “get it” .. haha .. we can see things from a different view .. we see all sides .. and yes .. we’re able to .. sympathize and empathize .. for now .. we truly understand the difference between the two .. haha .. oh yes friends .. love is the link God gives us with His eternal self .. so .. come on now .. let’s do this .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Love and faithfulness meet together .. righteousness and peace kiss each other”


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