Today is Veterans Day .. some call it .. Remembrance Day .. no matter .. it’s a day set aside each year .. to honor .. the brave men and women who have served in the military .. along .. with those .. so very many .. who have died for the cause of freedom .. wow .. what an honor for us .. to be able to say .. “thank you” .. thank you to each of them who have served .. and yes .. for the many sacrifices they’ve made for each of us .. think about it .. we enjoy the freedoms we have .. because they .. are willing to serve .. and that .. my friends .. does nothing but .. scream love .. love for our country .. and .. love for their fellow man .. it’s crazy .. yet .. when we sit and really think about it .. we understand .. just how serious this really is .. but yet .. we aren’t suppose to mope around and be sad .. no way .. for today .. is a day of celebration .. it’s a joyous occasion .. that’s right .. we can be happy that because of the sacrifice of these brave men and women .. we .. you and I .. are able to enjoy freedom .. and friends .. we can also .. celebrate and be happy .. that even though .. these brave soldiers died in battle .. it’s not the end of their story .. no way .. for we know .. that those that put their trust in God .. are with Him today .. standing .. “tall and whole” .. for that .. my sweet friends .. is His promise to all of us .. so .. on this glorious day .. we get up .. we raise our flag .. we pin on our poppy .. and .. we celebrate .. for .. we have put our faith in Him .. and we know .. one day .. we too .. will meet Him .. face to face .. and .. oh my goodness .. what a day that will be .. haha .. that’s what I’m talking about .. woo hoo .. celebration on! .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“My flesh may be destroyed .. yet from this body I will see God .. I will see Him for myself”

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