When we keep a spirit of Thanksgiving … it simply .. breaks the power of the enemy .. for when .. we give thanks to God in spite of our most difficult circumstances .. the enemy .. he loses a big battle in our life .. that’s right friends .. when we give thanks in the midst of trouble and trials .. we bring pleasure to God’s heart .. for He .. is looking for people who live in a realm of praise and thanksgiving .. where friends .. the enemy .. simply .. cannot live .. nor ..has the ability to hold or manipulate us .. that’s right .. the enemy is defeated when our heart is thankful .. simply because .. thankfulness during difficulty .. is a sacrifice that pleases God .. so no matter the circumstance we may be in today .. be thankful .. for friends .. trust me .. it is the key to a changed life .. the key .. that turns all situations around .. think about it .. being thankful .. changes us .. and .. it changes our outlook and our attitude .. yes .. there is so much power .. in a thankful heart .. and the beauty of this .. it’s our choice to choose .. so friends .. let’s make the right choice today .. and .. just be .. thankful .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Be thankful in all circumstances .. for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus”

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