Sitting here this morning thinking back over the years .. not really studying the past .. haha .. but simply looking at where we were not so long ago and where we’re at today .. oh yes .. we’ve all had our share of struggles .. trials .. and .. heartaches .. and without a doubt .. we can probably recall many of them .. some of which we knew as total injustice .. haha .. and yes .. at the time .. we may have wondered how in the world would a God of love allow such a thing to happen .. haha .. I chuckle because most of us have said that more than once in our lives .. however .. when we sit and think about it .. we know from experience that He’s simply not done with the situation .. and that simply .. we’ve just not made that full circle that we find ourselves so often making .. haha .. right now our family is experiencing one of those full circle moments in time .. and what ‘s crazy about this .. haha .. we’re doing it together .. and friends .. I have to tell you .. it’s a beautiful thing to experience .. as well as .. a life changing moment .. for friends .. there comes a day for all of us that in the midst of the confusion of our lives .. we get to see His hand at work .. if .. we pay attention .. haha .. for the truth is .. He’s in the center of every situation we encounter .. especially those that trouble our heart .. and friends .. He’s not only here today but in every day that follows .. for yes yes yes .. He’s right there in the middle just waiting for our heart to open and then BAM! .. He comes in for the healing .. haha .. yes friends.. as many of us can say from personally experiences .. we know without a doubt .. He’s indeed constantly working on our behalf .. for He really does care about our total well being .. and yes .. with this truth as our shield .. we can pretty much all agree from here to the end of time .. the bottom line will remain .. “God is love” .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Fear not .. for I am with you .. be not dismayed .. for I am your God .. I will strengthen you .. I will help you .. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”

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