I know I write about this a lot .. but it’s so true .. and yes .. so real .. and yes .. each day someone else is facing the reality of it .. haha .. yes friends .. we’ve all made our share of mistakes in this life we live ..  we’ve hurt people along the way ..  and yes ..  where possible .. we’ve asked for forgiveness .. from some we’ve gotten it .. and together .. we’ve moved on to a better place and understanding  .. haha .. oh but ..  from others we’ve been alienated .. and yes .. may still be today ..  but friends .. what God has shown us is really simple ..  “hurt people hurt people” ..  it’s a constant circle .. for the truth is .. we’re all a little broken somewhere .. there’s none of us today that aren’t fighting some sort of battle ..  so .. when we find ourselves trying to justify our wrongs .. we must remind ourselves  .. there is no justification for wrong  .. there’s only grace and forgiveness ..  for the truth is ..  when we admit our wrongs and we do what we can to make them right .. we’ve done our job .. it’s  no longer on us .. however .. we can’t leave out the key ingredient ..”forgiving ourselves” .. we can’t continue to beat ourselves up .. we have to move forward without dwelling on it another day .. for friends .. until we do this .. we can’t use the mistakes of our past to benefit those who need help today  .. for just like us ..  they hurt and they need to know ..  God is good .. He is faithful .. He is forgiving .. and yes .. He is Love .. for yes .. it’s when we truly realize and believe this  ..  we’ll begin to live in true freedom .. and .. He will indeed get the glory each step of the way  ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“For as the heavens are high above the earth .. so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him .. as far as the east is from the west ..  so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”


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