Gentleness ..  the humble and meek attitude of wanting to help other people instead of wanting to be superior over them .. this kind of attitude can only flow from a spirit of real love for others .. one having a true .. outgoing concern for their well-being .. this kind of attitude is shown in ..  how we think about and  treat others .. as well as .. what we say to them ..  God tells us to let our gentleness be shown to man .. He wants us to be concerned with how gentle .. we think .. act .. and .. talk .. haha ..  after all .. He has all the power in the universe .. yet .. He is ever so gentle with each of us .. He simply wants us to learn to be just like Him .. for it is then .. we get His power .. He trusts us with it because He knows ..  we will not use it cruelly or rashly …  for our mindset is now to follow His example  .. loving in spite of not because of .. for we know that as human beings .. we ALL need His sweet and gentle touch  .. oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

“as God’s chosen people .. holy and dearly loved ” .. we are to clothe ourselves .. “with compassion .. kindness .. humility .. gentleness .. and .. patience.”

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