Humility – ” freedom from pride or arrogance the quality or state of being humble”

Humbleness comes from brokenness – you know that brokenness that hurts so bad, but yet – hurts so good.

Brokenness comes when we judge others and then realize – we do the same thing they do. It comes when we step out and think we’re doing something wonderful, and then – we fall flat our on face simply because – we forgot to “plug in” to God.

Oh and yes – that brokenness as hard as it hurts is good for us – it leads to humility and humility precedes honor.

So yes, as I sit here on this quiet Saturday morning, I can honest say – and yes – you can say it with me ..

“Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to catch us when we fall ”

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – Love Wins Period

“He must increase but I must decrease” John 3:30

#lovewinsperiod #mindsetmatters #lovelikeJesus #prayingforgrandaddy #prayingbigfortheHalls #prayingforconnar #prayingforpopbob #prayingforhealing #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #Godisthepowersource #unspokenprayerrequest

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