Yesterday .. before I wrote about trusting .. I flunked at it .. I had a situation followed by a moment (or five ) of panic .. then as the day passed and the blessings poured out .. of course .. I felt bad for not trusting Him enough .. haha … we’ve all been there .. and yes .. I know .. we are only human and this behavior is natural .. and .. I have to remind myself over and over that He is the One that allows trials to come our way .. and that .. He is using them to develop my faith and maturity .. so to fashion me into the image of Christ .. wow .. oh yes .. it can be very painful .. but in the end .. it is well worth it .. for it’s during these trials we learn to truly rely on His strength other than our own .. we realize that His grace and provision is all we need to persevere .. so .. we surrender control and accept what’s happening .. rather than fighting and pleading for it to end .. oh .. difficult lesson to learn .. but we can rest assured .. He will never put us through anything that we cannot overcome with His assistance .. the bottom line .. these trials we encounter equip us to comfort and encourage others who face the same trial today .. so be encouraged .. think about Jesus .. He is able to comfort us because He too experienced trials on earth .. and .. be further encouraged that we too .. go though trials so that we can later comfort others who are going through the same thing .. we are like signposts that show others that no matter what they face … they can learn to live with it .. and .. overcome it .. through His awesome strength and direction .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“I know what it is to be in need .. and I know what it is to have plenty .. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation .. whether well fed or hungry .. whether living in plenty or in want .. I can do everything through him who gives me strength’