Yes friends .. it’s true .. most of us tend to want to hold on to certain times in our lives .. especially when it happens to be a .. “pleasant season” .. haha .. and yes .. even though our wish is to hold on to these times .. we simply can’t .. no .. for seasons change .. and yes .. just as the lake breaks through to the gulf and the mighty rivers flow .. they’re never ending and constantly moving .. oh but friends .. it’s when we understand that everything .. all things .. are a gift from God .. we can hold each of those changing moments with an open hand .. while simply and whole heartedly trusting .. that just as He filled our hands once .. He’ll simply continue to fill them again and again with the fresh .. and yes .. with the new .. so .. it’s with time and understanding that we learn to hold things lightly rather than clutching them so tight .. for we all know .. a clenched fist grows stiff and tired from holding on .. while the open hand is able to give and receive freely .. for friends .. the truth is .. by allowing the ebb and flow to come and go .. haha .. we’re simply creating room for His grace to enter the deepest parts of our being .. and yes .. when we allow it to reach those deep down parts that we’ve so perfectly hidden .. we’re now able to let go .. and yes .. allow Him to do what He needs to do to constantly keep us whole .. and yes .. no matter what season we’re in .. haha .. His unconditional love and amazing grace will continually .. always and forever .. see us right on through .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season .. and its leaf does not wither .. in all that he does .. he prospers.”