My life growing up .. was no different than many .. lots of chaos .. just like in other families .. my mom .. bless her .. was always trying to make up for whatever happened in her life .. while being .. bound and determined it was going to be different for us .. while my dad .. haha .. was a character straight out of ..”Tin Men” .. oh my .. what a mess it was .. but .. none the less .. it was our mess .. and .. like all of us growing up .. we dealt with it .. the best we could .. I of course .. totally rebelled as a teenager .. my tongue got sharp and my punch was fierce .. thank God I grew out of that behavior .. although .. throughout the years .. I traded it numerous times for other destructive tactics .. but friends .. as I sit here this morning .. I can honestly say .. what I missed .. was what I needed most .. for .. you see .. I missed learning how to love myself all those years .. oh .. many of us do .. simply because .. that’s something we just don’t think about .. however .. someone does .. and that’s .. Our God .. yes .. for you see .. loving ourselves .. it doesn’t mean we give in to our every desire .. loving ourselves means we see ourselves as He sees us .. think about it .. Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to love God above all things .. and .. to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus also tells us to love one another as He loves us .. so .. to love God .. therefore means .. that we must love each other .. but wait .. let’s make note of what He tells us about loving our neighbor .. we are to love them as we love ourselves .. so .. bottom line .. to love others .. we must first be able to love ourselves .. wow .. that can be a difficult process .. for .. we know ourselves better than anyone .. we know our dark side .. we know our shortcomings .. and .. we know our many faults .. my goodness .. if other people knew us .. as we know ourselves .. what would they think .. and .. how they would react .. haha .. oh but friends .. this is the exact reason .. we need to take our eyes off man .. and .. learn to see ourselves as .. He sees us .. remembering .. we are made in His image and likeness .. therefore .. if He .. Who is the very essence of love .. and .. we are created to be like Him .. then .. this means .. we too are created to love .. and .. be loved .. just imagine what our lives would be like .. heck .. what the world would be like .. if we all loved ourselves with and unselfish love .. such as .. the love He has for us .. haha .. we already know what it’s like to be .. self centered .. selfish .. prejudice .. and .. greedy .. and yes .. we’ve seen the results it brings .. poverty .. hunger .. loneliness .. and .. despair .. and then .. from these vices .. comes mistrust .. and .. often war .. so .. sweet friends .. as we enter this day .. this week .. this month .. and .. this year .. let’s all stay mindful .. to love ourselves better .. to open our soul .. to His grace .. and simply .. see ourselves .. as He sees us .. for we know .. that we know .. that we know .. His eyesight .. it’s much better than our own .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“To acquire wisdom is to love oneself .. people who cherish understanding will prosper”

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