I was up most of the night .. thinking about life and what it means to truly trust God .. haha .. yes friends ..  for us to trust God with all of our heart .. simply means ..  we operate under the belief that He’s right .. haha .. and yes .. that He’s completely in charge of our life .. it means that we believe that nothing happening today is a surprise to Him .. that’s right .. it means that even in the absence of signs and wonders and of His total assurance .. we can still stand firmly .. and yes .. believe that He’s working His purpose right now at this very moment in all that we’re doing .. and no .. haha .. this isn’t as easy as it sounds .. for yes .. when things are going well and we can proclaim His faithfulness  .. it’s so very easy to trust  .. but friends .. it’s when things fall apart and circumstances conspire to paint Him as indifferent .. unmerciful .. or .. even mean .. that’s when the test of faith falls upon us .. for yes sweet friends .. to trust Him with all of our heart means that we no longer belong to ourselves .. we trust Him to do His will .. not ours .. for no .. we’re simply just not smart enough to know the eternal issues involved in every situation we face .. we’re not wise enough to see the beginning from the end .. we’re like little children and He’s our Father ..  a Father who loves us unconditionally  .. and yes .. a Father who wants us to trust Him whole heartily  .. for friends .. He’s constantly and continually deepening this faith in us .. while simply ..  showing us time and time again .. that yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”


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