We all know what it feels like to be “troubled and afraid”
It’s like we’re in a boat on a rushing river with the water flowing faster than we can bail it out. We realize that if we want to stay afloat – we need to fix the hole in our vessel – and yes – we need to do it now.
When life is difficult and much is out of our control – and yes – we feel ourselves sinking – it’s then – we need to understand that we aren’t able to bail ourselves out.
We won’t find peace, much less – our way back to the shore on our own.
No sweet friends – we need to fix the problem at it’s source – and yes – Jesus is the only One that can do that. We can rest assured that the peace, guidance and help that He offers – will forever and always keep us afloat.
So yes – next time we find ourselves reaching out for a bucket to bail us out of the deep – we should absolutely consider reaching out to Him instead.
We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” John 14:27
#lovewinsperiod #mindsetmatters #lovelikeJesus #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #foreverandaday #prayingforpbandbj #healingforboth #gracetrumpskarma