Hospitality – it seems most of us in the area are connected with this as a business in some form or fashion, and even those that aren’t – they still have people pass them by each and every day.
So, as I was thinking about hospitality – I realized how much it’s applauded, and yes, encouraged throughout the Scriptures. This practice called “hospitality” is tied with the assistance of those in need.
Ans yes, we’re to practice hospitality “without grumbling” – we’re to welcome guests not only when it’s planned or convenient to us, but also when it’s hard, and yes, even when we feel like we just don’t have it together.
True hospitality welcomes those who need us, and no, not just those we need – it welcomes everyone in spite of and not because of – true hospitality is “being like Jesus” to those we meet – what a humbling task to be given.
We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period
“Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality” Romans 12:13