Today is Veteran’s Day .. my grandfather served in WWI .. my father in WWII .. and yes .. my brothers to follow in the Vietnam War .. and the truth is .. whether any of us see the the value of war or desired peace .. this simple fact remains … men and women fight for our country .. their country .. they give of themselves .. simply because we ask them to do so .. and yes .. haha .. our success .. and yes .. our very existence comes from these people who have pushed past their fears to do something different from the every day tasks most of us experience .. haha .. and friends .. the beautiful part of this .. is simply .. God .. He understands their experience better than many of us ever can or ever will .. so today .. let’s please .. put aside the fight .. keep moving forward .. celebrate the country in which we live .. celebrate the freedom that we have .. and yes .. celebrate the love .. that yes .. we can all share .. for today and everyday .. there are many among us .. that have chosen to leave comfortable lives .. to serve and save us all .. that’s big people .. bigger than anything else that is happening around us .. so yes yes yes .. let’s join together in love and prayer and blessings .. for each of these men and women that .. have .. are .. and yes .. will .. serve in our military .. simply out of love for this great country in which we live .. and yes .. with that we can honestly say .. there is no doubt .. that simply .. again and again and again .. we can whole heartedly trust and believe .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Greater love has no one than this .. that someone lay down his life for his friends”



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