As I laid in bed this morning before getting up .. I picked up my phone and began listening to videos .. you know the ones you click to and one by one they play .. I came across this particular video .. it was first recorded in 1985 .. Donald was 6 years old .. we lived in our family home in Pensacola .. it was a fairly easy time in my life other than the craziness that came for many of us during that era .. it was different then for sure .. free spirits watching the world go by .. haha .. I had not long before that had my first “real” experience with the Lord .. and yes .. had learned that’s where my hope lied .. and yes .. has continued to lie in the years since .. I learned that people loving people is really what it’s all about .. for you see .. that’s the way God made us to be .. and yes .. as we travel our paths we should always look for opportunities to go that extra mile .. doing what He’s asked us to do .. while yes  .. doing a little more every chance that we can .. for yes sweet friends .. as we do this .. we simply find a better understanding of His awesome power within us .. for yes .. it’s like the base of the dam where the water is still .. haha .. this is the place where we’ll find great pressures are exerted in the quietness .. yes sweet friends  .. we are the world .. and yes .. always and forever .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“A new commandment I give to you .. that you love one another ..  just as I have loved you .. you also are to love one another .. by this all people will know that you are my disciples .. if you have love for one another”


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