Friends .. it’s Saturday morning .. and a beautiful one at that .. and no .. even if things aren’t going the way we planned .. haha .. there’s absolutely no reason in this world for any one of us to be discouraged .. for the truth is .. God is with us .. and yes .. He’s going to take care of us .. so in knowing this truth .. we stay strong in Him .. and no .. we don’t let anything that we believe is His will for our lives change our plans .. it’s that simple .. and yes .. we do have to understand that the enemy .. he’s going to use his old tool of discouragement to tangle and trip us up every change he gets .. so friends .. we have to keep moving in the direction we believe He’s directing us .. for if we don’t .. the enemy wins .. and yes .. we lose .. and friends .. not a single one of us are losers .. we’re all winners made in the image of Christ Himself .. haha .. and yes .. that alone is pretty darn powerful .. so we get up .. we get out .. and yes .. we win and we win .. and yes .. we win some more .. for we know that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”

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