If we want to be better people ..  we need to understand the truth …  for .. you see .. it simply ..  doesn’t matter how successful we become ..  or .. the amount of wealth we obtain .. the truth is ..  none of this can make us better people .. it simply means .. we have more money ..  haha ..  that’s right ..  our true wealth comes when we learn to truly appreciate what we already have in life ..  you know .. our family ..  our friends .. and ..  oh yes .. the many second chances we have been so graciously given .. so .. with this .. it’s imperative .. that we learn to stay humble .. for humility .. it’s a sign of strength .. not weakness ..  and friends .. when we stay humble .. we obtain have that inner peace that comes only from God ..  we learn  ..  we have nothing to prove .. we are comfortable in our own skin .. we’ve learned that shifting our focus from ourselves and listening to others ..  is what it’s all about .. for ..  when we keep that heart humble ..  we will find .. no ego .. no pretense .. and .. certainly .. no gamesmanship ..  for .. we are now authentic people .. with love in our hearts for every single person we meet .. in spite of .. not .. because of .. haha .. that’s right .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit .. rather .. in humility value others above yourselves”



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