Reserving Judgement

Reserving Judgement

Reserving judgment is so important for us to grasp, simply because, snap decisions can totally complicate our lives. Being too quick to state our opinion could put us in an uncomfortable corner. As we all well know, there are plenty of so called experts out there who...


I got up this morning thinking about truth – how we tend to avoid it at times – especially when it makes us uncomfortable. However, the definition of truth should be such that it’s acceptable by all – in every single circumstance and with each...
Happiness is an Attitude

Happiness is an Attitude

Life is not drudgery – this is an old belief, and we need to let go of it. The truth is – we’re on an adventure. Striving to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually – it’s about traveling down different paths, while making decisions...
Be Joyful

Be Joyful

Joy  is not the same as happiness. Happiness comes and goes just as waves hitting the shore. It isn’t something we can cling to when we’ve experienced a loss. Oh but joy – it can stay with us for the long haul, simply because – real joy is from God....
Grateful All The Way

Grateful All The Way

All of us have been faced with many challenges in our lives – for me, some I have overcome and some – I’ve simply learned to live with. We have to pick and choose our battles. If our situation is challenging to us, it’s normally because...
Loyalty vs Loyalty

Loyalty vs Loyalty

So many of us spend much of our time being loyal to other people. I’m as loyal as the day is long and I am selfish in the way I expect it in return. Loyalty in others is high up on my list of attributes – and yes, while being loyal is a good thing –...

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