When I was pregnant ..  I went in one day to talk about the baby’s gender ..  they told me they were 95% sure I was going to have a girl .. and immediately ..  I told them .. I was 100% sure I would give her back ..  haha ..  for you see .. my heart was set on having a son ..   I expected it .. I trusted God for it ..  I knew physically  I could only have one child  .. and .. I wanted a son ..  I grew up with two brothers ..  and .. oh my .. how they loved our mom ..  yes .. I loved her too .. but there was always something different about the bond between them  ..  I wanted to experience that same bond .. and .. nine months later .. I held that sweet little boy in my arms .. he was born at 10:30 pm .. the night before Halloween .. it was the …”best day ever”  ..  I remember thinking then .. as I so often do now .. just how much God loves me ..  He knew my heart desire was to have a son ..  so He filled that desire ..  just like that .. no questions asked .. when the doctors said girl ..  haha .. he said boy ..  it was that simple ..  so .. here we are .. 36 years later today ..  through our ups and downs  ..  my .. not so .. little boy anymore .. is all grown up ..  he’s endured much in his life with me as his mom .. yet .. we’ve survived .. and .. we’ve come full circle .. now .. my son .. a grown man .. is a father of his own ..  with his own heart desires looking to him for love and guidance ..  for you see .. he wanted a daughter .. a little girl to love  ..  and now ..  haha ..  He’s been blessed with two .. and me .. I now get to experience what 36 years ago I was not ready to experience .. “little girl love” … and ..  oh my goodness .. it is some kind of good .. haha .. friends .. trust me when I say ..  God is faithful and true .. His unconditional love is the most remarkable love I have ever experienced .. when I look around ..  I see His many wonders .. I am in awe ..  and .. you should be too .. oh yeah people ..  Love Wins Period

“Take delight in the LORD .. and He will give you your heart’s desires”

#lovewinsperiod ..

This pic was taken of me .. donald .. and .. my grandmother in 1988 .. not long after he went through surgeries to remove a brain tumor (another story for another day) ..  I especially love this pic .. not only because ..  the two of them are in it .. but I love the way my little boy is hanging on to my arm .. with a heart full of love for his mama  ..  I am blessed and my heart is full .. haha ..  Happy Birthday Son!

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