Jesus was a rabbi who feasted with prostitutes and tax collectors .. unlike most other Jews .. He traveled straight through Samaria rather than bypassing it .. He touched lepers .. and .. He welcomed children .. that’s our Jesus .. our definition of LOVE .. so friends .. when we find ourselves putting up walls .. avoiding certain communities .. certain groups .. or .. certain people .. simply because .. we feel they are different and it makes us uncomfortable .. we must remember .. Jesus broke down those walls a long time ago .. He destroyed the barriers .. along with .. those dividing walls of hostility .. so .. in knowing .. “to love” .. is our number one job .. and .. there are absolutely no boundaries in doing so .. we need get ourselves up .. and .. we need to get on out .. for .. it’s a beautiful day .. to walk the walk and talk the talk .. to be .. what He created us to be .. His imitators .. haha .. I just love Him so much .. that’s right .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.
“Therefore be imitators of God .. as beloved children .. and walk in love .. just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us .. as an offering and a sacrifice to God .. as a fragrant aroma”


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