Over the years .. I have .. not so simply learned .. that simply .. to be able to move forward .. there are many things I must let go of in order to make that happen .. for .. God has taken me right out of my comfort zone .. straight into experiences .. to not only encourage me .. but .. to where I have learned to totally rely on Him .. haha .. oh yes .. He’s been a part of my life for a long time .. I’ve loved Him for many years .. but friends .. it’s not until now .. that I’ve completely given Him .. my all .. haha .. that’s right .. we all do .. all we can .. to hang on to what’s familiar .. simply because .. we’re just not sure that .. “new thing” .. is right for us .. we wonder to ourselves if we’re really hearing His voice concerning our situation .. but friends .. the truth is .. if we keep one foot where we are .. while the other is stretched someplace new .. we know what happens next .. we fall flat on our face .. haha .. been there .. done that .. for you see .. He wants us to trust Him .. simply by .. doing what He wants us to do .. and .. going where He wants us to go .. yes .. and .. to do this .. we have to let go of what we have .. before we can grab hold of something new .. and yes .. we can do this .. simply by .. learning to rely on Him to meet our needs .. this has been especially hard for me .. as I .. like many of us .. have had big “control issues” in my life .. oh .. I’ve preached it .. but .. not always lived by it .. haha .. you know .. the typical .. “riding the fence” .. behavior .. sometimes out of fear .. and .. many times .. simply out of .. truly not trusting .. but friends .. what I’ve learned .. and .. the bottom line .. we have to be disciplined .. and that sweet friends .. is just not that much fun .. but .. it’s certainly at the top of the list for our own personal growth .. for you see .. self-discipline is a fruit of the Spirit that requires time to develop .. and .. it gets developed .. when we do the right thing consistently .. over and over again .. for a long time .. and yes .. I can attest .. as we do this .. we can .. become disciplined in every area of our life .. and then .. we find .. we’re better equipped to handle bigger responsibilities as we move forward .. for .. Our God .. He absolutely has .. amazing plans for each one of us .. and .. He absolutely .. without a shadow of doubt .. wants to give us the desires of our heart .. all we have to do .. is simply .. do our part .. while trusting Him to do His .. haha .. oh yes .. I know .. this isn’t that easy .. but .. when we learn to lean on and fully trust Him .. this process .. it gets much easier .. and then .. one day we wake up and see .. ourselves ready .. for whatever .. He has planned for us .. simple truth .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“No discipline brings joy .. but seems grievous and painful .. but afterwards .. it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it”

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