It takes time to work through things .. we have a disagreement with a friend .. we lose a loved one .. or .. we make a mistake that simply .. can’t be taken back .. and yes .. the enemy .. he sees where we’re vulnerable .. and .. he goes after us .. he’s the master of tricks .. haha .. we feel we’re being pulled to the left and to the right .. oh but friends .. we stand firm .. we have confidence .. for .. our faith is in Our God .. and that faith in Him .. is what carries us through .. yes friends .. we’re a strong bunch of broken people .. .. and yes .. because of His unconditional love .. our hope is full .. yesterday morning I struggled as I tried to write .. after two hours or more .. the words finally came .. haha .. I stayed anxious all day .. my friend told me I must of needed to get something else out .. and .. I was probably fighting it .. haha .. and yes .. it’s just like us to want to fight .. yet friends .. fighting .. it’s not always bad .. no .. not if we’re fighting for the right reasons .. you see .. even when our lives have come full circle in many ways .. as they seem to always do .. there are still things left that we want to fix .. but friends .. the truth is .. only time and prayer can fix some of these things .. so .. bottom line .. it’s when we can truly begin to understand this .. and .. put our trust where we “say” it belongs .. that we find .. that inner peace we so longed for .. yes .. there’s are hole in our heart .. but that hole .. is filled with His love .. while we patiently .. wait .. haha .. and yes .. we fight .. but not for what we’ve lost .. we fight for what we’ve gained through it all .. we take our eyes off ourselves .. and .. we fight for the lost and the unloved .. we fight for those .. who cannot fight for themselves .. for friends .. we’re all out here .. and .. we need each other .. we need to forgive freely and love unconditionally .. we need to surround ourselves with people who lift us up .. not tear us down .. for when we do this .. we’re simply able .. to move in the direction He wants us to go .. haha .. continuing to dig down deep .. peeling off the layers .. while allowing .. the moving sands to shine that old rugged pearl .. haha .. yes sweet friends .. we simply keep .. walking the walk .. the best we know how .. for .. when we do .. all the rest .. will sort itself out .. in His time .. haha .. lesson learned .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.
“We prove ourselves by our purity .. our understanding .. our patience .. our kindness .. by the Holy Spirit within us .. and by our sincere love”

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