God  has promised to keep us from  tribulation if we endure to the end ..  to fight and win .. we’ve been equipped with perseverance that comes from Him and our Faith .. He wants to give us His Kingdom .. we’ve endured .. we’ve experienced some very difficult times .. we’ve lost friends and loved ones .. yet still .. we haven’t given up .. we’ve endured patiently .. and for that … we are grateful .. yes .. we’ve hung in there .. we’ve had to take a personal stand and be convicted .. we have scars that prove we’ve been through the battles .. and yes  .. we’ve matured and we’ve grown .. we’ve worked way too hard to get where we are to let it go now .. you see .. our goal is just ahead of us .. it’s almost within reach .. none of us know .. just how much time we have left .. and .. we certainly don’t want to throw all the time we’ve  put into it away ..  so .. let’s not give up .. ever .. let’s keep on keeping on .. continuing to persevere .. for our faith .. is the supreme effort of our life .. which gives us the freedom to throw ourselves with total abandon and total confidence in Him .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial ..  because when he has stood the test .. he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him”


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