We make a mistake and we feel guilty .. we hurt someone and we feel guilty .. we lie or deceive and we feel guilty .. we don’t do what someone wants us to do and we feel guilty .. even after we apologize .. we often still feel guilty .. for some silly reason we believe that ongoing guilt will pardon us .. that we deserve to feel bad to make amends for our sins regardless of how large or how small ..  haha .. this is so far from God’s truth ..  you see .. guilt is our souls way of letting us know when we’ve acted against our integrity .. it can also signal that we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by someone .. if we have done something wrong .. we must simply apologize .. then do what needs to be done to make it right .. if someone tries to make us feel guilty .. we state our truth .. with full confidence .. then we consciously work to disengage from the guilt that is looming over us .. for once a situation is properly addressed .. guilt does absolutely nothing for us except cause more pain ..  so we let it go .. we give it to Him and accept what He has given us .. His forgiveness .. which sets us free .. free to be what He wants us to be .. oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

“All of us like sheep have gone astray ..  each of us has turned to his own way ..  but the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him


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