We all know the old adage ..  “Hurt People Hurt People” ..  not sure about you .. but it’s certainly been  me ..  I’ve hurt those I love .. while feeling totally  justified in doing so  .. haha .. for whatever .. “made up” .. reason ..  you see .. we as Believers .. so often are fighting the enemy and blaming him for the conflict .. when all the while .. it’s God allowing the conflict .. which in turn .. motivates us .. to dig a little deeper into our lives .. to dig .. to the very root cause of those destructive thought and habit patterns .. His purpose for all of us to be conformed to the image of Christ .. and no .. this doesn’t just happen in times of glory ..  but also .. in those painful situations .. when we have to get “down” and face what has been hurting us for many years ..  it’s when we get older and understand by experience that there’s  something wrong .. but also .. that it’s simply .. never too late for us to redeem our pain .. restore our relationships .. and ..  maximize out purpose ..  for friends .. you see .. it all boils down and starts with forgiveness .. yes .. we must release the sins of others .. if we ourselves .. are going to be released .. simply put .. if we do not forgive others .. the very thing we have become victimized with .. will become part of our life .. that’s it .. oh .. but the good news .. through the blood of Jesus .. we can be healed and we can be set free from all the past hurts .. for it is then  .. we’ll find .. we are  able to comfort others with the same comfort we ourselves have received from above .. haha .. and now .. our mess can become our message .. and again we find .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”




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